Nobel IVF center

There is so many stigma and shame about infertility in our society so to overcome all the stigma and shame Nobel IVF center was established for those couple to provide world-class infertility treatment in Nepal. Nobel IVF is a one-stop solution for all kind of infertility conditions. Women with infertility can suffer the same level of stress ,depression and anxiety as patients with HIV or cancer .Nobel IVF center is  well equipped fertility center at eastern region , purely devoted towards providing infertility solutions. With the excellent team of Infertility specialist ,Embryologist and sisters .


Infertility is a major health concern and the WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that one in every six couples suffer from infertility. Many of them fail to conceive even after trying for a year or more. Although the real reason for such infertile condition cannot always be determined as sometimes the reasons for infertility can be quite simple but at times can be rather unexplained.

Today more and more couples are delaying their parenthood to settle their careers and finances giving rise to age related infertility. With age the quality and number of eggs available in the ovaries decrease. Thus, with shrinking ovarian reserves, the fertility rates among the women over the age of 35 tend to decrease. While stress in today’s lifestyle can also affect the quality of sperms in males, making it difficult to conceive and induce pregnancy.

Lifestyle choices like smoking and drinking affects the fertility in both men and women. A study conducted at Harvard University among couples undergoing IVF treatment found that women who consumed more than six units of alcohol a week were 18% less likely to conceive. And similarly in men, more than two alcoholic drinks a day can affect testosterone levels, semen volume, sperm count and quality. Smoking is also a concern as the risk of infertility among smokers can be twice as high as that of non-smokers.

Since 40% of cases are reported with female factor infertility, 30% due to male factor infertility, 20% due to both male and female factors and rest due to unknown reasons, the fertility diagnosis is done for both male and female partners.

Our Vision

  1. Our aim is to concentrate on infertile couples focusing on needs of privacy, confidentiality and counseling
  2. To provide the best individualized treatment to patients, tailor-made to suit their needs.
  3. To make the entire process a memorable experience with us holistic approach and quality patient care.

Who needs to visit the doctor immediately?

  • Couples who cannot conceive naturally
  • Couples with recurrent pregnancy losses
  • Couples carrying genetically inherited disorders
  • Men with fertility issues
  • Women having problems conceiving due to ovarian causes
  • Couple suffering from STDs
  • Cancer patients who want to preserve their eggs

Our services

  1. Infertility counselling for couple
  2. Diagnosis of infertility
  3. Andrology –
  4. Semen Analysis
  5. Sperm Vitality test
  6. Sperm Morphology test
  7. DFI
  8. Infertility related all Laparoscopic And hysteroscopic surgeries
  9. Ovarian stimulation
  10. IUI
  11. IVF
  13. Laser Assisted Hatching
  14. Cryopreservation (Freezing )
  15. Oocyte
  16. Sperm
  17. Embryo

Infertility diagnosis

Infertility diagnosis is a vital process, as it helps to find out the actual cause of your failure to conceive despite having regular unprotected sex. It starts with normal questions about your sexual life, medical history and infertility treatment attempts


  1. Advance Ultrasound- produce image of uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries – Pelvic Ultrasound Scan and Transvaginal Ultrasound
  2. Blood Tests – for hormone level and ovulation check
  3. Hysterosalpingography-to check possible fallopian tubal blockage
  4. Hysteroscopy-view reproductive organs internally with camera attached to flexible tube
  5. Diagnostice Laparoscopy
  6. Ovarian Reserve Testing – finds out how effective eggs are after ovulation
  7. Chlamydia Test – to check for sexually transmitted bacterial
  8. Infection


  1. Semen Analysis – used to test sperm concentration, motility, color,

quality, infections etc.

  • Blood Test – for hormone and testosterone level
  • Ultrasound – to reveal issues such as ejaculatory duct obstruction or retrograde ejaculation.
  • Chlamydia Test – to check for sexually transmitted bacterial infection

Fertility treatment  

Ovarian Stimulation

In some cases, simple solutions as ovarian stimulation and timed intercourse can lead to successful conception. Some women suffer from ovarian cycle disorders during which their ovaries do not produce any eggs – anovulation. In such cases progesterone supplements can be used during menstrual cycles to stimulate their ovaries to produce adequate eggs.

We carefully monitor the menstrual cycles of our patients via blood test or ultrasound to administer adequate dosages at proper time. During this treatment, our holistic approach provides certain therapeutic treatments and also suggests lifestyle changes to ensure maximum efficiency. We strongly recommend our patients to avoid smoking, alcohol and high caffeine (coffee) intake while undergoing this treatment.

Instead of the single egg that typically develops monthly, you’ll take synthetic hormones to stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Drugs that might be required include:

  • Medications for ovarian stimulation: Medications such as follitropin alfa or beta (Follistim AQ, Gonal-f) or menotropin (Menopur) may be injected.
  • Medications to prevent premature ovulation: Injectable gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists such as leuproline acetate (Lupron) or gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists such as cetrorelix may be prescribed by your doctor (Cetrotide).

Your doctor will monitor you during treatment. To measure your response to ovarian-stimulation medications, you will have blood tests. As follicles develop, estrogen levels typically rise, and progesterone levels stay low until after ovulation.

In order to track the development of fluid-filled sacs where eggs mature- follow-up visits will often include vaginal ultrasound- a technique that uses sound waves to produce a picture of the inside of your ovaries (follicles).

An injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (Progeny, Ovitrel) or another drug may help the eggs mature when the follicles are ready for egg retrieval, normally after 10 to 14 days

Intrauterine Injection (IUI)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a form of therapeutic insemination (TI) using the husband’s (AIH) or donor (AID) sperm. Therapeutic insemination has been used as treatment for infertile couples for many years. More recently, IUI has become an option for many couples prior to considering more complicated and expensive assisted reproductive treatment such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

IUI procedure involves semen collection in the special male room followed by immediate sperm preparation techniques using sperm enhancement of maximum mobile sperms. This washed and prepared sperm is then inseminated via a special catheter directly into uterine cavity.

We monitor the menstrual cycle of our patient via hormonal testing or ultrasound and perform this close to the time of ovulation. If required, we may also prescribe adequate dosage of progesterone supplements.

Laparoscopy / Hysteroscopy

These are the two methods for minimal invasive surgical procedure without making any incisions. Either is used for the following treatments.

Tubal Reversal, which is also known as tubal re-anastomosis, is a procedure performed to re-instate the tubes of women who previously had their tubes tied under surgical birth control procedure. In case of lower sperm count in male partner, this procedure can be followed by IVF.

Fibroids, ovarian cysts and polyps in the uterus can prevent conception or lead to miscarriage. So, it becomes necessary to remove them for conception and successful pregnancy.

Tubal Blocks are blockages in fallopian tubes which prevent convergence of the sperm and ova. These kinds of blockages account for nearly 20% of infertility cases and can be solved simply by either of the surgical methods.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF was developed more than 30 years ago and has since been the most common ART (Assisted Reproduction Technique). It was initially considered a treatment of choice for tubal factor infertility but subsequently expanded to include PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). Today IVF is used for unexplained infertility, advancing maternal age, repeated trials of conservative treatment is a sequential process, requiring harvest of oocytes from the woman’s ovary and receiving ovarian stimulation through medication. Stimulation is given during menstrual cycles to yield more eggs and increase the chances for fertilization. It is monitored carefully via ultrasound and blood tests. Approximately 9 to 14 days into the cycle, Ovum Pick Up (OPU) is performed under general anesthesia. Egg – Oocyte collection is followed by sperm collection. Then the eggs are placed in a special medium where sperms are introduced to induce fertilization.

The fertilization takes about 16 to 18 hours and after this the fertilized eggs – now called embryos are tested for quality and kept in special condition. After two three days, the embryos which have been sound in quality and eligible are planted in the uterus. Sometimes when there is a need of extended culture – blastocyst culture, the embryos are cultured for five to six days before implantation. And in cases of cryopreservation, the embryos are frozen in a cryo-banks, ovarian failure, and anti-sperm antibodies.

Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

ICSI was first used at UCSF in 1994 and today it has expanded to encompass almost all cases of male infertility. Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection – ICSI is a micromanipulation technique developed to help achieve fertilization for couples with severe male factor infertility or couples who have had failure to fertilize in a previous IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) attempt. The procedure overcomes many of the barriers to fertilization and allows couples with little hope of achieving successful pregnancy to obtain fertilized embryos.

This procedure is done using an inverted microscope equipped with micro-manipulators & micro-injectors where the prepared sperm is injected using a microinjecting pipette. ICSI has a fertilization rate of 90%. ICSI is accompanied by PESA (Percutaneous Epidydimal Sperm Aspiration) or TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration) that are procedures performed to obtain sperm in certain cases of male infertility. They can be performed on men with ultra-low sperm counts due to either a sperm production problem or blockage in reproductive tract as the result of a vasectomy, congenital absence of vas deferens, or infection. 

We work closely with a urologist with specialized training in male infertility who retrieves the sperm. The urologist first performs certain tests that sometimes involve blood work and/or testicular biopsy. The results of these tests determine which procedure is appropriate and more likely to yield sperm. PESA is usually performed in the morning of egg retrieval while TESA may be done the day prior to allow in vitro maturation of immature sperm.

In PESA, using local anesthesia, a fine needle is inserted into the epididymis, which is a reservoir of sperm that sits atop each testicle. During TESA, sperm is obtained by means of a biopsy of the testicle. The sperm obtained from these procedures is then injected directly into the eggs. Usually, the sperm sample obtained with PESA or TESA can be used for multiple cycles. In case the female partner is infertile and unable to produce quality oocyte, this procedure can be performed with donor egg/oocyte.

Laser Assisted Hatching

“Laser-assisted hatching – a better method for increasing pregnancy rate.”

Laser-assisted hatching is an additional procedure performed in a couple who are undergoing IVF treatment but are consistently embracing failure. The scenario arises especially in woman over 37 years of age, who generates harder zone pellucid and prevents the eggs from hatching. Failure to do so restricts women from conceiving and leaves them in despair.

Laser-assisted hatching increases the likelihood of improving the chances of pregnancy. The embryologist performs several tests to examine the embryo. Once embryos are created, it gets surrounded by the hard outer layer of cells called zona pellucid. Thereafter, to develop pregnancy, the embryo must break free from the shell to get implanted in the uterus. The overall concept of laser-assisted hatching is to assist embryo hatch from the shell by creating a small crack instead of creating a bigger gap.

Clinical studies state that the laser-assisted hatching inclines the chance of implantation of transferred embryos, which upon understanding the requirement of Nepalese couple Nobel IVF has introduced an advanced form of laser-assisted hatching.

Types of assisted hatching methods

Most of the clients presume that the assisted hatching process involves a tear in zona pellucid or a small break. There are several methods of assisted hatching mainly:

  • Mechanical hatching

With a pipette, the embryologist keeps the embryo steady. A micro-needle is used to puncture the zona pellucid to go underneath the shell. The area in between the puncture is rubbed till a small tear occurs. In this method it’s difficult to control the size of the opening, therefore the mechanical hatching is not much recommended by the embryologist. 

  • Mechanical expansion of the shell

In this, you don’t break the zona pellucid, instead hydrostatic pressure is introduced. In this process, there is a natural expansion of the outer shell. The hydrostatic pressure can likely damage the embryo. 

  • Chemical hatching

Tyrode’s acid is used to the zona pellucid until the shell is breached. Quickly, the embryo is cleaned to avoid unnecessary acid exposure.

  • Laser-assisted hatching

The laser-assisted hatching procedure involves sending a strong light beam under a microscope to create a gap in a shell through the embryo. The laser hatching process is done for three days after fertilization (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) cycle or IVF. The whole laser hatching process takes up a few minutes and has no side effect on the embryo. On completion of the laser hatching in IVF, the embryo is then transferred back to the female uterus, which shall then continue to grow.

Of all the assisted hatching method, laser-assisted hatching procedure is the safest and effective techniques. However, rare embryology labs in Nepal are equipped to perform the advanced laser hatching embryo, including Nobel IVF center.

Who is recommended for Laser-Assisted Hatching Process?

Any patients deprived of the IVF success can take advantage of the laser-assisted hatching procedure. Females choosing to perform frozen embryo transfer with laser-assisted hatching are the best-suited candidates for laser hatching. However, the healthcare provider shall suggest the hatching process to the following:

  • Females above 37 years of age.
  • Patients whose zone pellucid is unusually thick.
  • Whose embryos are not well developed.
  • Individuals with elevated FSH levels on the follicular period.
  • Women who have faced constant failure in IVF cycles.

Several factors prevent an embryo from hatching successfully. The zona pellucid is often harder in the women above 37-years or older even after 2 or 3 days of embryo transfer. The process becomes difficult and harmful when trying to hatch fresh embryos via laser-assisted hatching. For such kinds of patient, extra tests and the advance procedure is opted.

How can an infertile pair gain from laser-assisted hatching?

Scientifically, the laser-assisted hatching process is performed under high-tech and by high-end expertise to get the desired result. Due to the rising percentage of infertility cases, laser-assisted hatching is a breakthrough process improvising the infertility treatments. Few of the benefits of the process include:

  • Improves the chances of implantation

The whole procedure of laser-assisted hatching inclines the hope of implantation.

  • Declines multiple pregnancies

It reduces the number of embryos transferred back to women, for one or two embryos can be swiftly moved after the laser hatching procedure. Blastocyst culture – It refers to a period of 3-4 days in which the embryos are monitored.

  • Minimum side effects

The process is gentle, safe, with no negative effects on the embryo.

Laser-assisted hatching risks

There is an increased risk for identical twins in embryos who have undergone laser-assisted hatching. Very rare are the possibilities for an embryo to get damaged from the laser hatching. The only medical complications are the possibilities of identical twins in a single pregnancy. Further, the consumption of antibiotics and steroids can cause a few common meditational side effects which are tolerable. 

Natural IVF

Natural IVF is an appealing idea to the infertility patients who are considering in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to conceive. Natural cycle IVF consists of a procedure that retrieves a single egg created during the natural menstrual cycle and refrains the use of a drug to stimulate pregnancy.

Natural cycle IVF uses minimal stimulation IVF or mini-IVF, which gradually reduces the number of drugs used for fertility. Generally, natural IVF involves low doses of hormones to stimulate egg production, aiming for nearly 2-4 eggs. The natural cycle IVF do not use hormone injection to promote multiple egg production involving the least dose of clomiphene citrate, for 10-12 days before the egg retrieval.

Nobel IVF center  is the best IVF fertility center in Nepal offering natural cycle in vitro fertilization (IVF). The natural cycle IVF is less expensive and is nearly a pure natural IVF treatment.

What is Natural IVF treatment?

Natural cycle IVF is similar to standard IVF, in which very little medication is used to stimulate the female ovaries. Also known as the “Drug-Free IVF”, the patients do not need to inject gonadotropins on a daily basis.

In standard IVF, drugs are injected once a week or more to stimulate the ovaries and to mature the eggs. Unlike the standard IVF, the natural cycle patient uses only oral medication, to enhance the natural development of ovarian follicles and prepare the eggs for harvesting. The purpose of using oral medication in natural IVF treatment is to select robust and quality eggs for retrieval.

On completion of the medicinal procedure, an injection is given to trigger ovulation for proper harvesting of eggs, which sums up the whole natural IVF treatment.

Eligible candidates for natural IVF treatment

  • Women above 35-years of age.
  • Women preferring to limit drug intake during their fertility treatment.
  • Women failing to produce egg follicles when stimulated by hormones.
  • Women identified with the risk of Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS).
  • Women suffering or undergoing cancer treatment.
  • Patients who do not want to freeze embryos or eggs.
  • Patients not seeking to deal with multiple eggs or embryos after IVF treatment. 
  • Women with more than two failed fertility treatments.
  • Those suffering from genetic disorders, family issues, or has some history.
  • Women experiencing more than one miscarriage.

4 steps of Natural cycle IVF

1. Preparing for the natural IVF treatment

Before commencing with the modified natural cycle IVF, an initial evaluation is conducted to obtain information about the reproductive health and disease-causing infertility. The couple needs to take the assessment within three to six months before starting the natural IVF cycle treatment. 

For women, the assessment comprises of:

  • Blood test for infertility assessment.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound (TVS)
  • Pelvic examination
  • Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

For men, the assessment consists of:

  • Semen analysis
  • Blood tests for hemoglobin, VDRL, Anti-HCV, and more.

2. Hormonal level monitoring

Women will have a vaginal ultrasound to determine the blood tests and the size of the follicles. The monitoring is done to confirm the right kind of treatment and natural cycle IVF steps that needs to be taken for the upcoming treatment session.

3. Collection of sperm and ovum

Under deep sedation, egg collection shall be performed by the embryologist. Patients must stay in the hospital for further observation after surgery. Whereas for men, sperm is collected onsite to maintain the temperature of the sperm sample.

4. Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS)

It refers to the techniques which examine the chromosol and genetic abnormalities. The PGS for the natural IVF treatment includes an examination of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and Mitochondrial DNA testing.

Nobel  IVF center Biratnagar take care of every procedure involved in the natural IVF treatment. Patients willing to experience pregnancy in their late years, without any worry can step into our fertility clinic and take benefit from the expert consultation service and treatments at an affordable price. 

Advantages of natural cycle IVF

For a natural cycle IVF success, the patient requires no or less medication with less monitoring. As the ovaries are being naturally treated, the pair do not need to wait for a longer period of time in between the treatments, before beginning another natural cycle IVF treatment. Therefore, the cumulative natural IVF success rates can be similar to conventional IVF or higher than the traditional IVF success stories. Other advantages of natural IVF treatments include:

  • Conceiving with own eggs

For a woman with blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, natural cycle IVF provides the best opportunity of conceiving a child using their own eggs. Natural alternatives to IVF (traditional) are taken to facilitate the natural IVF cycle with frozen embryos instead of laboratory techniques.

  • Patients with low ovarian reserve

Natural IVF success stories include achievements of older women with low ovarian reserve. Natural IVF treatment focus on the quality of eggs, rather than quantity.

  • Unexplained fertility

1 in 6 pair go through fertility problem and sometimes the reason for such infertility remain unidentified and remains undiagnosed after thorough investigation. These patients may reap benefits from the modified natural cycle IVF without any intervention.

  • Male infertility

Men with infertility problem after taking the natural IVF cycle treatment holds a higher success rate of conceiving with IVF instead of natural methods. Hospitals for natural IVF have experienced consultants to properly advise men with fertility problems and offer genuine solutions to overcome infertility issues.

  • Premature Ovarian Failure

Women suffering from menopause or premature ovarian failure can reap the benefits of natural IVF cycle treatment using donor eggs. Further, the Natural cycle IVF success rates over 40, hence, females even after attaining 40 years of age or menopause can take help from natural IVF treatment to plan a healthy family.

  • PCOS

A common condition where hormonal imbalance leads to an irregular menstrual cycle. IVF has proven to be successful in patients with PCOS who refrain from ovulation induction. 

Surgical Sperm Retrieval

Sperm harvesting as a fertility treatment in men

Among a hundred men, one of them produces no sperm- a generic condition of azoospermia. A variety of techniques exist to cure azoospermia, one of them is the surgical sperm retrieval and ivf, a procedure used for the treatment of male infertility associated with ICSI and IVF treatment.

Male infertility relates to low sperm, poor sperm or no sperm. Surgical sperm retrieval uses several techniques to retrieve sperm called TESA, TESE, MESA, and PESA, which are performed for the collection of sperm via needle aspiration or through surgical sperm removal of tissue.

Recommendation for surgical sperm retrieval

Most of the men produce healthy sperm but due to blockage in testicles it prevents ejaculation, so surgical sperm retrieval is recommended when family planning is the ultimate goal. This is for men; therefore, sperm is gathered from the reproductive tracts. For a positive pregnancy, sperm retrieval is recommended for IVF (in-vitro fertilization) and ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection).

Surgical sperm retrieval is suggested in the following scenarios:

  • A patient who refrain themselves from vasectomy.
  • Men who had a vasectomy or failed vasectomy reversal.
  • Absence of tubes joining epididymis to the penis.
  • Men who do not produce quality sperm in their semen.
  • History of testicles surgery.
  • An illness affecting testicles.
  • Spinal injury or issue with normal ejaculatory functions.
  • Men with congenital or endocrine conditions.
  • Men suffering from Klinefelter syndrome.
  • Men under opioids, steroids, and testosterone.

Surgical sperm retrieval techniques

There are different kinds of SSR procedure which shall be implied after determining the causes.

Testicular sperm extraction (TESE): If no sperm is found then a small incision is made to the testis for sampling. TESE in IVF procedure uses a thin needle puncture to the skin and testis with no other cuts. The procedure can cause tenderness and some amount of pain.

 In TESE single biopsy or open scrotal exploration and multifunctional biopsies are performed to examine the sperm mobility and count. TESE fertility treatment helps to diagnose azoospermia. TESE IVF procedure involves collecting sperm from testicles.

The sperm obtained are either of subsequent use or frozen. A single sperm is injected directly into to frozen egg known as ICSI IVF. TESE IVF success is determined only after going through the reports obtained after injecting of sperm in eggs. TESE IVF cost depends on the situation and cases of individual, and the only place to perform TESE in Nepal is Nobel IVF.

Micro-epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA): MESA IVF is performed in men who face vasal or epididymal obstruction. Also known as the MESA fertility treatment, the procedure is either done solely or in coordination with the female partner’s egg. MESA in IVF allows an extensive collection of mature sperm and is the most sought method for men who have no vas deferens. A small cut is made into the epididymis. The fluid is obtained for microscopic observation to figure out viable sperm.

Vasectomy reversal:

The surgery aims to restore fertility. A minor surgery is done to connect the tube to penis.

Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA): A painless procedure seeking for no surgery. A fine needle is inserted into the epididymis from which the fluid is aspirated. The obtained fluid is then inspected to for sperm motility and content. PESA IVF is done under local anesthesia, where a syringe is inserted to gently remove the fluid.

Microdissection TESE (Micro TESE):

This is recommended to men who are facing trouble in sperm production or azoospermia. Micro TESE is carefully coordinated with the female retrieval egg. It is a safer procedure as less testicular tissue is removed.  There is also a less damage to the blood vessels and hence is the better surgical sperm retrieval in finding sperm of the patient with non-obstructive azoospermia.

Process of Surgical Sperm Retrieval

Numerous processes is involved to retrieve sperm, the techniques used depends on:

  • The method of retrieval or amount of tissue required (aspiration vs biopsy).
  • Location of extraction of tissue (vas deferens or testicles or epididymis).
  • Procedure method through skin or incision (open vs percutaneous).
  • Instruments used (conventional vs microsurgical).

Preparing for Surgical Sperm Retrieval

Before getting admitted to hospital certain criteria should be followed as mandated by the surgeon.  You may also be asked to fast for at least 6-8 hours prior to the procedures. While consuming alcohol is strictly prohibited for at least 24 hours.

Even after surgery, one should avoid alcohol, taking drugs, refrain from strenuous exercise, and sexual activity is not advised for a week of the procedure.

Tests required before Surgical Sperm Retrieval treatment

Before plunging onto surgery further investigation is needed for biopsy as in the later stage it could create problems for the unborn child.  Few of the generic investigation includes:

Hormone tests:

  • Testosterone, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) are measured.
  • Very high LH and FSH and low testosterone suggest testicles are not functioning well where the chances of obtaining sperm are extreme lower.
  • On this examination, one can identify the vas deferens and absence of congenital.

Chromosome Analysis:

  • Abnormalities in the chromosome may prevent the production of sperm.
  • It is important to check men chromosomes before the biopsy.

Fertility preservation

Embryo Cryopreservation

The procedure of freezing and preserving embryos for future use is embryo cryopreservation. Embryos can be formed just for preservation or extra embryos extracted during IVF treatment can be preserved. At a later time, the embryos are thawed and used. Embryo cryopreservation is sometimes an important part of IVF programs.

Why embryo cryopreservation

A man or a woman might want to freeze and store their embryos for several reasons:

  • They may feel that it is a better choice than killing the extra embryos.
  • If the IVF process fails the first time it will provide another opportunity to get pregnant. There will be no need for the couple to go through egg pick up process again.
  • If the couples are able to have a child, they will be able to use the embryos later to have a second child.
  • Before starting treatments, such as for cancer, the woman can save embryos that could decrease or eliminate her chances of becoming pregnant.
  • In donor program, the embryos could be saved and given to someone else.
  • The embryos could be saved and donated for research.

Embryo Cryopreservation Process

A cell consists mostly of water. Ice forming in and between the cells is the main concern when freezing embryos. The cell wall can be hurt by ice crystals and may harm the small structures inside the cell.

In the freezing process, the embryo must be protected. This is done using cryoprotective agents called special fluids (CPAs). CPAs are like “anti-freeze” for cells.

Two different techniques are used by doctors to freeze and preserve embryos: slow programmable freezing and vitrification.

The embryos are frozen slowly, in stages, in the slow programmable freezing method. In rising strengths over 10 to 20 minutes, the CPAs are added to the embryos. Then the embryos are cooled in a machine that decreases the temperature minute by minute over two hours. When frozen at -321° Fahrenheit (-196.1° Celsius), the embryos are preserved in liquid nitrogen.

Vitrification is a form of rapid freezing that uses CPAs with far higher strengths. With this procedure, the doctor combines the CPAs with the embryos first. The cell can also be harmed by CPAs that are very strong. The embryos are immediately put in liquid nitrogen to avoid this. This phase transforms them into an almost solid state, like glass. Ice in incapable of getting formed in this state.

The embryos are slowly thawed when needed. To extract the CPAs, they are soaked in special fluids. Also, this restores the natural water balance of the cell.

How safe is embryo cryopreservation?

Study has shown that the baby is not affected by freezing and thawing embryos. There is no greater rate of birth defects or health complications for children born from frozen embryos than for children born from embryos that have not been frozen.

Sperm Cryopreservation

“Sperm freezing for future use”

Recent advancement in treatment has given hope to a large number of men to recover from the infertility phase caused by cancer, or any other factor. Sperm cryopreservation though was introduced in 1960, gained popularity in the 1970s, since then, most men thereafter chose to bank their sperm and embrace fatherhood in their late years. Before leaping on the techniques and methods used in sperm freezing let’s get its overview. 

Sperm cryopreservation is the process of freezing sperm and storing it for future use. Sample semen is collected and analyzed under a microscope to count sperm cells and determine health levels. After sperm analysis, this obtained semen is preserved.

These donated sperms are quarantined for three or six months and screened for infections before use for the successful IVF fertility treatment. Once the couple decides to sperm freeze or uses one of the stored sperm, our specialist shall carefully monitor the patient’s condition and plan out a personalized treatment plan for higher IVF success with sperm freezing. 

Techniques for sperm freezing and storage

Sperm freezing process uses two major conventional techniques: slow freezing and rapid freezing. The collected sperm has a validity of 55 years; however, the policy of the fertility center generally is for a maximum period of 10 years. 

  • Slow Freezing

This sperm freezing method consists of progressive sperm cooling over a period of 2-4 hours, using a semi-programmable freezer (automatically or manually). The manual method declines the temperature of semen while adding a cryoprotectant into the liquid of nitrogen. The acquired sample is frozen at a temperature of 5°C to 80°C. Automated method nitrogen is poured in the semen storage container once programmed. The semen is frozen in between 20°C to −80°C.

  • Rapid Freezing

This involves direct contact between sterile straw holding semen and nitrogen composition for eight to ten minutes, followed by absorption of liquid nitrogen at -196 °C. 

  • Thawing

The cell must allow the sperm to recover its normal biological activities while avoiding thermal changes. Generally, the cryopreservation uses a thawing protocol of 37°C and higher for rapid heating. Once the cells are thawed, they are separated from the cryopreservation medium for the centrifuging purpose. 

Conditions for human sperm cryopreservation

The major benefit of sperm freezing is to allow a man to maintain his fertility and use the sperm at later date. 

General reasons for sperm cryopreservation are:

  • Men undergoing prostate, testicles, and cancer surgery.
  • Men planning for a vasectomy.
  • Men engaged in high-risk professions with exposures to radiation, chemicals, and extreme heat causing sterility.
  • Men facing ejaculatory dysfunction. 
  • Low sperm count or poor-quality sperm.
  • Male changing their gender to female.

Sperm Cryopreservation Process

Sperm freezing commences after the collection of ejaculated semen which is frozen for future fertility treatments such as In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The sperm cryopreservation process involves: 

  • Routine analysis for infection (Hepatitis, HIV, and Syphilis).
  • Collection of semen sample or sperm extraction.
  • Lab analysis for sperm quality and quantity check.
  • Preserving and storing sperm for an indefinite period. 

Sperm is collected through masturbation. The obtained sample semen is analyzed for quantity, shape, and movement within each specimen. And if the patient fails to produce quality semen, the surgery option is taken into consideration, to directly obtain the sperm from testicles. 

Additionally, the samples are separated for the sperm freezing process. Specialized cryoprotectant agents are used to protect sperm cells. The frozen sperm are stored in the IVF lab and later used for Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). 

Success rates of sperm freezing

The success of sperm freezing relies on the health of the individual. If the patient is suffering from any severe illness or health issue, then it may affect the motility and quality of the sperm. Secondly, the study states that only 60% of the sperm survives the thawing and freezing process. Thirdly, the success depends on the female partner’s age, method of assisted reproduction treatment (ART), and fertility status. Even if the sperm count is low, IVF success with sperm freezing can still be achieved, but it may seek complex treatment of IVF, IUI or ICSI. 

The risk associated with sperm freezing

Sperms are less sensitive to cryopreservation damage because of low water content and high fluid membrane. However, a minimal percentage of damage may incur during the freezing and thawing of human sperm. IVF success with sperm freezing may decline when the preserved human sperm forms intracellular or extracellular ice crystals, get an osmotic shock and faces cellular dehydration. These risks are only associated with the collected sperm and not wholly in men’s infertility. 

For sperm freezing in Nepal, contact us at Nobel IVF center. Apart from clinical support, our fertility center has been offering counseling through the guidance of oncology experts and fertility mentors. To know more please connect with us!

Ovum Cryopreservation

Egg freezing, or oocyte cryopreservation, is a procedure in which the eggs (oocytes) of a woman are extracted, frozen, and stored as a technique to maintain in reproductive capacity in a woman of reproductive age. Unfertilized eggs obtained from ovaries are frozen and preserved for later use. Frozen egg is thawed, mixed with sperm in a lab and then implanted in a uterus (IVF). Over the past few years, oocyte cryopreservation has progressed dramatically, with increased overall performance of eggs surviving the freezing process.

Based on your needs and reproductive history, the doctor will help you understand how egg freezing functions, the possible risks and whether the fertility preservation approach is right for you.

Why Ovum Cryopreservation

If you’re not ready to get pregnant now but want to try to make sure you can get pregnant later, then egg freezing might be an option.

Egg freezing does not require sperm, as with fertilized egg freezing (embryo cryopreservation), since the eggs are not fertilized until they are frozen. However, just as with embryo freezing, you will need to use fertility drugs to help you ovulate so that multiple eggs will be developed for retrieval.

You may consider egg freezing if:

  • You have a disease or circumstance that can affect your fertility: These could include sickle cell anemia, autoimmune diseases such as lupus, and gender diversity, such as being transgender.
  • You need treatment for cancer or other diseases that can affect your ability to get pregnant: Your fertility can be affected by medical procedures such as radiation or chemotherapy. It could enable you to have biological children later if you freeze eggs before treatment.
  • You wish to preserve younger eggs now for potential use: At a younger age, freezing eggs could help you get pregnant when you’re ready.

To try to conceive a child with sperm from a partner or a sperm donor, you can use frozen eggs. The embryo can also be implanted in another person’s uterus to carry the baby (gestational carrier).

Ovum cryopreservation process

You are likely to have some blood screening tests before starting the egg-freezing process, including:

  • Ovarian reserve testing: Your doctor can measure the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone and estradiol in your blood on day three of your menstrual cycle to determine the quantity and quality of your eggs. Results will help predict how fertility medicine will react to your ovaries. 
    To get a clearer image of ovarian function, another blood test and an ultrasound of the ovaries may be done.
  • Infectious disease screening: You will be screened for some infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis B and C.

There are multiple steps to egg freezing — ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval and freezing.

Donor treatment

Embryo Donor Treatment

Trying to start a family for a long time? Not just happening. Embryo donor treatment can be a successful option to conceive.

oocyte or embryo donation from an individual is an effective treatment for age-related infertility. The pregnancy rates of such treatments are comparatively higher than the ones obtained from IVF or controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. In the IVF practice, few of the patients create an extra embryo than needed. These extra eggs are frozen so that they can be used later. The patients on successful completion are given the option to either donate the embryos or discard the remains.

Embryo adoption is a great family building option for every selected couple where a woman faces a premature ovarian failure or to a man suffering from gamete production.

Sperm Donor Treatment

Donor insemination leads to a beautiful path of parenthood. Taking up sperm donor treatment to get pregnant is an important decision as to when taking up the challenge one has to go through a several of stressful cycles. On the other hand, the process also flows in joy, hope and excitement. And a couple who are moving forward with the decision, are often scared to go through the process alone. Hence, Nobel IVF always welcome these couple for proper consultation. As we understand the need to discuss the complexity and success stories before proceeding with the donor sperm insemination process.

Egg Donor Treatment

Getting pregnant with donor eggs? Taking up donor eggs, will the baby look like me? While taking up ovum donation, the couple faces several emotional and psychosocial challenges. They are not even sure of the chances of getting pregnant with donor eggs. The only thing they do is rely wholly on the ovum banks and the fertility experts to make them achieve the once stated impossibility i.e., attaining pregnancy after egg donation.

For infertile pair, human egg donation does act as a boon, therefore egg donor treatment at Nobel IVF is safe, and holds a high success rate. 

An overview of egg donor treatment

An egg donor is a form of fertility treatment approached by the women, who are unable to produce their own eggs to get pregnant. In the process of ova donation, eggs from other women are used to help the infertile women conceive. This is a part of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and donor egg success rates over 40 percent even for females over 40 years old. The procedure typically involves the removal of eggs from the donor, fertilizing them in the laboratory, and then transferring them to the embryos into the recipient uterus. The entire procedure of implantation is carried out by In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), and there is a minimum repeated implantation failure with donor eggs. 

Recommendation for donor egg treatment

IVF success rates over 40 with donor eggs is extremely high, therefore Nobel IVF encourages female to tackle the infertility situations by recommending donor egg pregnancy treatment. Likewise, females who are not sure of donor embryo transfer success rates before taking up the donor treatment are given a series of consultation.  

We recommend IVF using donor eggs to:

  • Women carrying the risk of a genetic disorder.
  • Women with a low success rate on using their own eggs.
  • Women facing fertility challenge.
  • Women failing to produce their own eggs due to age, or premature menopause.
  • Women born without ovaries due to congenital anomaly.
  • Impaired ovarian reserve. 
  • Repeated failure of IVF treatment. 
  • Gay male couple opting to have a child with a surrogate.
  • A single male parent seeking surrogacy.

Criteria for Oocyte donation process 

Generally, for female egg donation, the age of donor’s range in between the age of 21 and 35 years. Women of this age respond better to fertility drugs and have a high-quality egg. To add more individual on the egg donation success rates, the donor should hold no genetic issues or infections such as HIV, and hepatitis C. So, before taking eggs a woman needs to undergo several processes such as:

Egg donor screening

A screening process to reduce the risk of congenital abnormalities and other associated risks. The egg donor screening process requires:

  • Application
  • Physical examination
  • Blood tests
  • Drug tests
  • Ultrasound to examine the reproductive organs
  • Psychological medical history
  • Screening of inherited diseases
  • Infectious disease screening

Psychological screening

Donating an egg is an emotional experience, so emotional stability is needed while donating eggs. Evaluating the donor’s mental health ensures the health of an unborn child, and to make sure the donor has made an informed decision for the donor egg IVF success. 

Before assigning eggs to any female receiver, we go through a series of processes to secure both the donor and receiver physically and mentally.
